Polderon was created to empower business teams to take risks and learn quickly from mistakes, and become more productive with more engaged and happy employees.
What does “Polderon” mean? It’s a combination of the Dutch word “polder” (which refers to tracks of land enclosed by dikes) and the English word “onwards”. When Jason first arrived in the Netherlands, he worked in a hostel called the Flying Pig in Amsterdam. For the first time in his life he experienced how a team can work together with trust and respect for one another and with a minimal amount of hierarchy to make work fun while getting things done. This stayed with him and he has since devoted his career to helping other organisations develop this culture. Many years later, he learned that the Dutch explain this way of working as the “Polder Model”.
Jason, Polderon’s founder and principal Agile architect and coach, is a Certified Scrum@Scale practitioner and Advanced ScrumMaster (A-CSM). He has been running projects in a Scrum/Agile manner since 2012. He is also a Certified Microsoft Azure Cloud consultant and specialises in O365 Productivity & Agile DevOps cloud services.
Jason is all about digital transformation using Agile. He teaches it, coaches it and helps businesses to implement it. He has a proven track record in developing and executing digital transformations for distributed (remote) teams. Combining skills in Agile coaching, technical/process automation architecture and data engineering, he brings together all aspects of a digital transformation and delivers break-through results as an Agile architect.